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Fighting Wolverines

Godwin Heights High School & Middle School


Fighting Wolverines

Godwin Heights High School & Middle School

Fighting Wolverines

Godwin Heights High School & Middle School

Fighting Wolverines

Godwin Heights High School & Middle School

Sports Physicals

Sports Physicals




It is that time of the year again when the Godwin Heights Athletic Department needs to start planning for the 2024-25 Godwin Heights Athletic Seasons. The first step to ensure the safety of all the athletes of Godwin Heights is to make sure all of our student athletes have a proper physical from a medical professional on file in our athletic office. The Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) requires all student athletes to have a sports physical on file in the athletic office, clearing them for sports, before a student athlete can begin practice in any MHSAA sanctioned school sport. This physical is an annual requirement for a student athlete (both high school and middle school) at Godwin Heights to try-out and play in any school sport. The physical must have been administered on or after April 15 of the previous school year to be considered a “current-year physical”. (So, if a physical is given on or after April 15, 2024, it will be a “current-year physical” for the 2024-25 school year) No exceptions can be made.

If you can't get into your doctor on time click below for alternative list:
Sports Physical Loctations

MHSAA Sports Physical Form

MHSAA Sports Physical Form-Spanish